Author: Linda Shrieves

Posts by Linda Shrieves

Valencia Coming to Lake Nona Medical City

Valencia College will soon open its fifth campus in Lake Nona Medical City, where it will train students for careers [...]

President Shugart’s Push for Florida Colleges to Lead Nation in Graduation Rates

Florida Today is reporting on Valencia President Sandy Shugart’s call for Florida colleges to lead the nation in graduation rates. [...]

Valencia to Freeze Student Tuition for the Fall

During a visit to Tallahassee last February, Valencia President Sanford Shugart told lawmakers it would be a mistake to raise [...]

Valencia Boosts Local Economy by $1 Billion a Year, Study Finds

At a time when Florida’s unemployment rate is 9.4% and public funding for higher education is being cut, a new [...]

Dance Challenge to Benefit Nursing Students

Fans of MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew” or “Dancing with the Stars” will have a chance to cheer on some [...]

Shardeh Berry, Single Mom and Honors Student, Will Address a Record Crowd at Commencement

On Saturday, May 5, an estimated 1,260 graduates will receive their associate degrees as Valencia College celebrates its 43rd spring [...]

Don’t Miss the Spring Issue of Valencia’s Award-Winning Magazine

The new issue of Vitae includes an article on “The Brainy Bunch” (Valencia’s stereotype-defying Brain Bowl team), a preview of [...]

Golf Tournament Helps Underserved Youth Get to College

Helping underserved Orlando-area youth graduate high school and achieve their college dreams is the main goal of Take Stock in [...]

5K to Benefit Criminal Justice, Firefighter and EMS Students

On Saturday, March 31, Valencia College’s Alumni Association will hold its annual 5K race to raise money for scholarships, this [...]

New Agreement Will Bring More Students from Japan

College students from Japan will soon be studying at Valencia College while interning at Walt Disney World. Representatives from four [...]