News Releases

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Valencia College Receives $500,000 from Lowe’s Foundation for Skilled Trades Workforce Development

The Lowe’s Foundation awarded $500,000 to Valencia College as a part of today’s select group of community and technical colleges [...]

Valencia College Announces Show Lineup for 2024-25 Arts Season

  Orlando, FL – This season, the Valencia College School of Arts and Entertainment creates a vibrant calendar of live [...]

Valencia College Summer Dance Concert Set For July 12-13

Orlando — Valencia College will hold its annual Valencia Dance Summer Repertory Concert on July 12 and 13, 2024 at 8 p.m. in the Performing [...]

YouthBuild Will Start in Orange County

Valencia College has received a 3-year, $1.5 million U.S. Department of Labor grant to expand its Osceola County YouthBuild program [...]

VC Theater Presents Sondheim Musical, ‘Merrily We Roll Along’

Orlando – Valencia College Theater invites audiences to follow a trio of lifelong friends backward in time through three decades [...]

Osceola County College-Going Rate Jumps to Fourth in State

Officials from Osceola County, along with Valencia College and the School District of Osceola County, are celebrating a milestone event: [...]

Valencia College Theater Presents ‘Boeing Boeing’

Orlando, FL – Valencia College Theater will present “Boeing Boeing,” the hilarious1960s classic farce about a bachelor juggling three romantic [...]

Valencia Celebrates 29 Years of Student Filmmaking with Festival

ORLANDO – Valencia College invites movie fans to celebrate 29 years of student filmmaking when the Valencia College film production [...]

Valencia College Theater Presents ‘She Kills Monsters’

Orlando, FL – Valencia College Theater will present “She Kills Monsters,” an acclaimed dramatic comedy in which a character learns [...]

Valencia Dance Theatre Presents 4 In Motion

ORLANDO – Valencia College’s resident dance company, Valencia Dance Theatre, along with the Dr. Phillips High School Dance Magnet Program, [...]