Valencia Today

Valencia Grad Earns 4.0 at Rollins, Becomes the College’s Valedictorian

Former Valencia student Traci Campana battled all the odds, including learning disabilities and a form of autism, to go to [...]

Valencia President Cited as a “Change Agent” in U.S. Higher Education

U.S. colleges and universities cannot continue doing things the same way they have for decades, argue Richard Skinner and Emily [...]

Eyewitness to History: International Expert to Teach Course That Explores Causes of Genocide

What does 1940s Germany have in common with Iraq of the 1990s, when Saddam Hussein attacked the Kurdish people with [...]

Shugart: Focus on Completion is Good, But Learning Should Be a College’s First Priority

Valencia College President Sandy Shugart was quoted in an article in Inside Higher Education about the current focus on students [...]

Valencia to Freeze Student Tuition for the Fall

During a visit to Tallahassee last February, Valencia President Sanford Shugart told lawmakers it would be a mistake to raise [...]

Valencia Holds Recruitment Fair to Hire New Adjunct Instructors

Valencia College is currently looking for adjunct instructors to fill more than 50 teaching positions at the East, West and [...]

Chronicle of Higher Education Interviews Valencia Students

A reporter and editor from The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jeff Selingo, visited Valencia recently to interview students for a [...]

Valencia Boosts Local Economy by $1 Billion a Year, Study Finds

At a time when Florida’s unemployment rate is 9.4% and public funding for higher education is being cut, a new [...]

Valencia Launches New Honors College; Members of Inaugural Class Eligible for Full Scholarships

Valencia College will launch the new James M. and Dayle L. Seneff Honors College in the fall of 2012, providing [...]

Valencia Installs Five Electric Car Charging Stations on West Campus

At the 2012 Earth Day celebration, Valencia made a significant contribution to cleaning the air: The college began installing five [...]