Author: Linda Shrieves

Posts by Linda Shrieves

A Passion for Technology and Teaching Earns National Honors for Top Professor in Florida

A Valencia College professor is being recognized today by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as the 2011 [...]

Don’t Miss the Fall Issue of Valencia’s Award-Winning Magazine

The new issue of Vitae includes articles on: ·         The upcoming film “Renee,” the tale of an Orlando [...]

A Toad That Rolls Down Hills to Escape Foes is Among the Discoveries of Visiting Biologist

Learn about the unusual creatures of the South American rainforest discovered by Dr. Bruce Means, when he lectures at Valencia [...]

Valencia Wants Your Stories – Video Contest Underway

Already, a dozen videos and 150 entry forms have been submitted by students hoping to win up to 60 credit [...]

Falecia Williams Named President of West Campus

Falecia Williams, former assistant vice president for Workforce Development at Valencia, has been named president for the college’s West Campus. [...]

Saving Energy While Serving Thousands

Energy efficiency has become the watchword at Valencia College. Since 1998, the college has made a concerted effort to reduce [...]

Bird’s Eye View: Professor Wins Coveted Prize for Photo

Jack Rogers, East Campus geology professor, won the grand prize in a photography contest sponsored by WildBird magazine, one of [...]

Musicians and Singers: Join our Great Bands

If you can play an instrument or sing, Valencia is looking for you. You don’t have to be a music [...]

On the Set of "My Fair Lidy" with Valencia's Film Students

Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore writes about Valencia’s latest indie film, the drag queen comedy “My Fair Lidy.” One [...]

Valencia is Again Top Producer of Associate Degrees in Nation

For the second year in a row, Valencia Community College ranks first in the nation in the number of associate [...]