Author: Linda Shrieves

Posts by Linda Shrieves

Ralph Nader to Valencia Students: "Ask Powerful Questions"

Just like today, college students back in the 1970s worried a lot about gas prices, the high cost of textbooks [...]

Paint party! Honors Society Plans Fundraiser for Kids with Cancer

Want to help send kids stricken with cancer to a Walt Disney World adventure? Chi Epsilon, the Valencia Community College [...]

Early results: Valencia Ranks Near Top in Annual RecycleMania Contest

Valencia Community College could wind up scoring second place for lowest overall waste production per student in RecycleMania, the largest [...]

Ralph Nader to Speak at Valencia about Civics, Education

Ralph Nader, a leading consumer advocate for more than four decades, is coming to Valencia Community College to promote his [...]

Free Movies: 4th Valencia Brazilian Film Festival March 31-April 8

Romance and its many complications, a massive prison revolt’s effects on a big city and the real-life story of a [...]

Film Celebration Includes the Premiere of 'Dead by Friday'

The 16th Annual Valencia Film Celebration rolls out April 1-2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Valencia [...]

Discovering New Frontiers: Spring Issue of Vitae Magazine is Here

Vitae magazine’s Spring 2011 issue is here! The twice-a-year collection of stories about the Valencia community is presented in print and [...]

Winning Script and Cast Bring Life to ‘Latter Days’

The Valencia Character Company will present the first staging of playwright Ann Magaha’s original play, “In the Latter Days.” Show [...]

Free for the Listening: April Concert Series

The month of April brings an abundance of live music events to Valencia: Symphonic and Jazz Bands Take the Stage [...]

Edelman Trust Barometer focus of Valencia symposium

Trust: when big institutions such as business or government have it, people support them and urge their friends to do [...]