Valencia Celebrates Earth Day with Farmer's Markets, Vegan Food, Music
Earth Day is Friday, April 22, but Valencia Community College is getting a jump on things by scheduling activities at [...]
About Valencia
Valencia Takes Second in National Collegiate Recycling Competition
Valencia Community College has placed second among nearly 200 colleges and universities that competed in the waste minimization category of RecycleMania, according [...]
Community Relations
Attention Singers: Voices of Valencia and Valencia A Capella Want You!
Two Valencia music program groups are seeking some summer session singers. Option 1: Join Voices of Valencia as it commemorates [...]
About Valencia
Valencia Students are Programming Champs of Intercollegiate Competition
Valencia’s computer programming students took on students from Seminole State College and Brevard and Lake Sumter community colleges at the [...]
Juried Student Graphic and Fine Art Exhibition opens April 15
The annual Juried Student Graphic and Fine Art Exhibition is scheduled to open Friday, April 15, at the Anita S. [...]
About Valencia
Golf tournament helps underserved youth get to college
Helping underserved Orlando-area youth graduate high school and achieve their college dreams is the main goal of Take Stock in [...]
Ralph Nader to Valencia Students: "Ask Powerful Questions"
Just like today, college students back in the 1970s worried a lot about gas prices, the high cost of textbooks [...]
About Valencia
Paint party! Honors Society Plans Fundraiser for Kids with Cancer
Want to help send kids stricken with cancer to a Walt Disney World adventure? Chi Epsilon, the Valencia Community College [...]
About Valencia
Early results: Valencia Ranks Near Top in Annual RecycleMania Contest
Valencia Community College could wind up scoring second place for lowest overall waste production per student in RecycleMania, the largest [...]
Ralph Nader to Speak at Valencia about Civics, Education
Ralph Nader, a leading consumer advocate for more than four decades, is coming to Valencia Community College to promote his [...]