Author: Linda Shrieves

Posts by Linda Shrieves

Remembering Fallen Heroes

Valencia’s Criminal Justice Institute (CJI) hosted a memorial service on April 27 to honor Orange County Deputy Brandon Lee Coates [...]

Math Professor Among Top Rated by

Rate My Professors, the website that allows students to post ratings and comments about their professors, has released a list [...]

Valencia Celebrates Earth Day with Farmer's Markets, Vegan Food, Music

Earth Day is Friday, April 22, but Valencia Community College is getting a jump on things by scheduling activities at [...]

Valencia Takes Second in National Collegiate Recycling Competition

Valencia Community College has placed second among nearly 200 colleges and universities that competed in the waste minimization category of RecycleMania, according [...]

Attention Singers: Voices of Valencia and Valencia A Capella Want You!

Two Valencia music program groups are seeking some summer session singers. Option 1: Join Voices of Valencia as it commemorates [...]

Valencia Students are Programming Champs of Intercollegiate Competition

Valencia’s computer programming students took on students from Seminole State College and  Brevard and Lake Sumter community colleges at the [...]

Juried Student Graphic and Fine Art Exhibition opens April 15

The annual Juried Student Graphic and Fine Art Exhibition is scheduled to open Friday, April 15, at the Anita S. [...]

Golf tournament helps underserved youth get to college

Helping underserved Orlando-area youth graduate high school and achieve their college dreams is the main goal of Take Stock in [...]

Ralph Nader to Valencia Students: "Ask Powerful Questions"

Just like today, college students back in the 1970s worried a lot about gas prices, the high cost of textbooks [...]

Paint party! Honors Society Plans Fundraiser for Kids with Cancer

Want to help send kids stricken with cancer to a Walt Disney World adventure? Chi Epsilon, the Valencia Community College [...]