Author: Linda Shrieves

Posts by Linda Shrieves

Free Movies: 4th Valencia Brazilian Film Festival March 31-April 8

Romance and its many complications, a massive prison revolt’s effects on a big city and the real-life story of a [...]

Film Celebration Includes the Premiere of 'Dead by Friday'

The 16th Annual Valencia Film Celebration rolls out April 1-2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at Valencia [...]

Discovering New Frontiers: Spring Issue of Vitae Magazine is Here

Vitae magazine’s Spring 2011 issue is here! The twice-a-year collection of stories about the Valencia community is presented in print and [...]

Winning Script and Cast Bring Life to ‘Latter Days’

The Valencia Character Company will present the first staging of playwright Ann Magaha’s original play, “In the Latter Days.” Show [...]

Free for the Listening: April Concert Series

The month of April brings an abundance of live music events to Valencia: Symphonic and Jazz Bands Take the Stage [...]

Edelman Trust Barometer focus of Valencia symposium

Trust: when big institutions such as business or government have it, people support them and urge their friends to do [...]

Watch for free: 4th Valencia Brazilian Film Festival March 31-April 8

Romance and its many complications, a massive prison revolt’s effects on a big city and the real-life story of a [...]

Valencia Foundation and UCF Foundation Host ‘A Taste for Learning’ Fundraising Event

In light of recent economic struggles, many local residents are turning to higher education as the key to new employment [...]

Admissions Assistant Director Honored for Community Service Work

Sonja Boles-Melvin was honored with the 2011 Excellence in Education award during the Black History Committee of Orange County (BHCOC) [...]

Falecia Williams Appointed Interim Provost of Valencia West Campus

  Falecia Williams, assistant vice president for Workforce Development at Valencia, has taken on an additional post: interim provost for [...]