About Valencia

Students’ Architectural Creations Take Over Atrium of Building 11

If you’ve walked through the hallways of Building 11 on West Campus this summer, you may have noticed something a [...]

Wanted: Singers and Musicians for Valencia’s Musical Ensembles

If you can play an instrument or sing, Valencia is looking for you. Valencia students don’t have to major in [...]

Engineering Students Donate Their Time and Learn Valuable Lessons

Engineering students love to tinker. So when Valencia Engineering Professor Deb Hall suggested that her students could earn extra credit [...]

Jill Biden Writes About Valencia Visit on the White House Blog

Dr. Jill Biden, a community college professor and wife of Vice President Joe Biden, wrote about her recent visit to [...]

Valencia Wins $100,000 Grant From Walmart Foundation

Valencia College has been named one of 15 community colleges across the country to win a $100,000 Walmart PRESS for [...]

Second Lady Jill Biden Visits Valencia

Dr. Jill Biden, the Second Lady of the United States, visited Valencia College’s West Campus on Thursday for a round-table [...]

Valencia Grad Overcomes the Odds, Named Outstanding Senior at Rollins

Standing at the podium at the graduation ceremonies for Rollins College’s Hamilton Holt School, 25-year-old Traci Campana said her life [...]

Orlando Sentinel Publishes Ron Brandolini Obituary

The Orlando Sentinel memorialized former Valencia College honors director Ron Brandolini in an obituary on Monday, June 25. In the [...]

Wanted: New, Original Plays by Florida Playwrights

The Valencia College East Campus theater program is accepting plays from Florida playwrights for its annual Florida Playwrights Competition, which [...]

Comedy Central: Valencia Film Students Shooting Romantic Comedy

Summer may be slow on campus, but Valencia’s film production technology students are busy filming a new movie. “An Act [...]