
Jill Biden Writes About Valencia Visit on the White House Blog

Dr. Jill Biden, a community college professor and wife of Vice President Joe Biden, wrote about her recent visit to [...]

Second Lady Jill Biden Visits Valencia

Dr. Jill Biden, the Second Lady of the United States, visited Valencia College’s West Campus on Thursday for a round-table [...]

Wanted: New, Original Plays by Florida Playwrights

The Valencia College East Campus theater program is accepting plays from Florida playwrights for its annual Florida Playwrights Competition, which [...]

Valencia Summer Dance Concert to Feature High School, College Dancers

Valencia College will hold its annual summer staple, the Valencia Dance Summer Repertory Concert, on July 13 and 14. The [...]

Valencia Hosts Conference On Cybersecurity Education

Around the world, computer hackers are getting more sophisticated. From the “Flame” spyware to common viruses, worms and malware, the [...]

Cyber League Championship Will Help Train Future ‘Cyber-warriors’

The Orlando Magic may be out of the NBA playoffs, but Orlando’s hosting a different kind of championship on Sunday, [...]

Photography Exhibit Opens June 15 at Valencia’s Anita S. Wooten Gallery

“Sights of Construction,” a series of photographs that look both ancient and contemporary, will be on display at Valencia College’s [...]

Shugart: Focus on Completion is Good, But Learning Should Be a College’s First Priority

Valencia College President Sandy Shugart was quoted in an article in Inside Higher Education about the current focus on students [...]

What’s the Future Hold? A Lot of Amazing Changes, Says Physicist

Predicting the future is difficult — but not impossible, says Dr. Michio Kaku. It helps, the renowned physicist told a [...]

Dance Challenge to Benefit Nursing Students

Fans of MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew” or “Dancing with the Stars” will have a chance to cheer on some [...]