News Releases

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Valencia Professors Write a How-To Book for Young People Interested in Entering the Health Care Field

Professors Dr. Linda Speranza and Dr. Diane Reed are co-authors of the new book, “Heads Up: Successful Strategies for Planning a Career in Health Care.” [...]

Valencia Center for Global Languages Receives National Accreditation

The Intensive English Program at the Valencia Community College Center for Global Languages has received a one-year accreditation by the [...]

Valencia to Showcase Student Choreography

Valencia will present the 12th annual Choreographers’ Showcase on Friday, Nov. 19. [...]

Prize-Winning Novelist to Speak at West Campus

Richard Bausch, prize-winning novelist and short story writer, will read from his works on October 14 from 1 to 2 [...]

Culinary and Pastry Students Win at State Competition

Valencia Culinary and Pastry students took home honors in the ACF State Competition this year at the Restaurant and Lodging [...]

White House Puts the Spotlight on Community Colleges

Today, a live webcast of the first-ever White House Summit on Community Colleges will highlight the important role that community [...]

Valencia Presents “Carousel”

The Valencia Character Company will kick off its 2010-11 theater season with the classic, award-winning musical, “Carousel,” with book and [...]

Two Valencia Students Selected to NASA’s Aerospace Scholars Program

Valencia Community College sophomores Denise Rudy and Delores Petropulos, who attend the college’s East Campus, have been selected to travel to [...]

State Board Approves Baccalaureate Degrees

Today, the Florida State Board of Education gave Valencia the green light to offer bachelor’s degrees for the first time with [...]

Valencia to Host College Night 2010

More than 100 admissions representatives from colleges and universities across the country will be present for this two-night event, which takes place Oct. 5 and 7. [...]