News Releases

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Valencia Partners with TSA to Provide Security Officers with Training and a Path Toward a Degree

Valencia will deliver TSA training courses on-site at the Orlando International Airport, beginning fall 2010. The college is one of 32 selected to partner with airports throughout the United States – and is the only partner in Florida. [...]

Nursing Students Sponsor Bone Marrow Drive

Striving to be more than a social group, the Valencia Student Nursing Association (VNSA) organized a... [...]

Valencia is #1 in Awarding Associate Degrees in the Nation

A report just published by Community College Week shows that Valencia Community College awards more... [...]

When the Ordinary Becomes Art

A young, emerging artist from New York, Courtney Puckett will bring her “Recycled, Wrapped and Sewn” collection to the Anita [...]

Valencia’s Juneteenth Celebration to Provide a Musical Journey Through African American History

On Tuesday, June 29, Valencia will celebrate Juneteenth in conjunction with Black Music Month by hosting the musical event, From Spirituals to Soul, performed by the Jones High School Alumni Band. [...]

Answer Center

Valencia Builds "Community" Online with Facebook

It may be awhile before Valencia Community College’s Facebook page has... [...]

Valencia Student Receives Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship For Up To $30,000 Per Year

Mikhail Elliott, recipient of a Jack Kent Cooke scholarship, looks for his family in the audience at the 41st Valencia Commencement held at the Silver Spurs arena on May 8. [...]

Student Poem Among Winners in National Competition

Student Luke David Monaco’s poem, “Vines Have Thorns,” was a winner in the spring national Community College Poetry Competition.  It [...]

Valencia to Graduate 2,800 on May 8

On Saturday, May 8, a total of 2,800 graduates will receive their associate degrees as Valencia Community College celebrates its 41st spring commencement at the Silver Spurs Arena in Kissimmee. [...]

Kim Do Named Distinguished Graduate

Kim Do, named the 2009-2010 Distinguished Graduate by the Valencia Alumni Association, gave this year's commencement address. [...]