Valencia Today

Valencia Drops Fee for Former Students Returning to College

Orlando, FL – Students leave college for lots of reasons: Work. Family. Bills. But if you stopped attending Valencia College [...]

Valencia Student Wins Scholarship, Transfers to University of Montana

College students routinely dream of going away to school — usually to a college that looks like a postcard from [...]

Valencia Exhibit Shines Spotlight on Work of Six Young Artists

Orlando, FL – If you love to discover young artists, then make plans to head to a new exhibit at [...]

Valencia Offers One-Day Sessions to Help Fill out Financial Aid Forms

Although fall classes begin in a few months, it’s not too late to apply for financial aid. But to be [...]

Curious About His Heritage, Valencia Honors Student Embarks on Genealogical Research

Cooper Smith is an anomaly in his family – a redhead in a clan full of people with black or [...]

Valencia College Theater to Produce Biting Comedy, “Fat Pig,” in June

The Valencia College Theater is proud to present Neil LaBute’s hilarious and biting comedy, “Fat Pig,” premiering June 6, and [...]

Valencia Honors First Bachelor’s Degree Graduates at Commencement

Kissimmee, FL – On Saturday, May 4, about 1,200 Valencia students received their associate degrees as Valencia College celebrated its [...]

Laid-Off Worker Turns Misfortune Into Opportunity, Earns Degree

In the late 1990s, Nathan Maurer was working in the clean room at Lucent Technologies, making microchips—a job that ignited [...]

Graduate Earns Bachelor’s Degree to Improve Her Job Prospects

When Zenia Rivera graduated from a private Orlando college with an associate degree in nuclear medicine technology in 2008, she [...]

To Serve and Protect

On the evening of April 17, Valencia, police and sheriff’s department officials gathered to honor the recent graduates from the [...]