Valencia Today

One Graduate’s Story: How I Changed Majors and Found My Passion

James Bustraan was cruising through his classes, on his way to majoring in accounting, when a math professor stopped him [...]

Valencia Instructor to Lecture on MLK’s Life and the Music of His Age

ORLANDO — In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday, Valencia instructor and musical folklore expert Don Harrell will present [...]

Renee Group at Music Festival

Filmmaker Discusses Impact of Hacking with Valencia’s Film Students

When news broke that hackers had attacked Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer system — and released five films to piracy networks [...]

Valencia Partners with Mexican Consulate to Award Scholarships

ORLANDO — The Mexican Consulate in Orlando has awarded Valencia College $25,000 in scholarships to benefit Mexican-American students. Thanks to [...]

Black Advisory Committee Helps Students with Monetary Awards

Last year, when Crystal Mack’s employer moved her banking job from Orlando to Atlanta, the 32-year-old single  mom suddenly found [...]

Two Valencia Officials Recognized for Service to Hispanic Community

Two Valencia officials, Elisha Gonzalez Bonnewitz and Dr. Kathleen Plinske, have been named winners of this year’s Don Quijote Awards, [...]

Valencia’s Vitae Magazine Debuts on New Website

With the release of the fall issue of Vitae, the award-winning magazine of Valencia College, comes the launch of a [...]

Chevy Announces It’s Buying Carbon Credits from 11 Colleges, Including Valencia

DETROIT – Chevrolet is purchasing carbon credits worth up to $5 million to help 11 colleges across the U.S. pay [...]

Welcome to Valencia’s Greenest Classroom: Leu Gardens

In the fading daylight, in what may be the greenest classroom in Orlando, a dozen Valencia College horticulture students are [...]

Valencia Honors Fallen Florida Veterans, Hosts Memorial Exhibit

ORLANDO — Before a crowd of about 100, military officials, Valencia officials and the college’s student veterans on Monday honored [...]