Valencia College

Valencia Trustee to Students and Staff: Be Strong, Don’t Be Afraid

To the Valencia Community: First and foremost, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, as well as the entire Valencia [...]

Disease Researcher Finds New Home at Valencia — in the Classroom

Attention students: If you thought you were going to sit in the back of Dr. Hemangi Patil’s biology class and [...]

Valencia Celebrates Poinciana Campus with Groundbreaking Ceremony

With the early phases of construction already underway, Valencia College held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new $27 million campus [...]

New Construction Program Is Changing Lives — One Job at a Time

Before Aaron Person signed up for a class in basic construction, he had little experience in the field – except [...]

Valencia Theater to Perform ‘Rattlesnakes,’ ‘Talk About the Passion’

Orlando, FL – The Valencia College Theater will present two hard-hitting modern plays, “Rattlesnakes” and “Talk About the Passion,” from [...]

Sweet Success, or How I Earned a College Degree While in High School

Hala Saedi is 17 years old and graduating from East River High School in Orange County this spring. But she’s [...]

Engineering Students Show Off Their Genius with Rube Goldberg Machines

ORLANDO — The scene in West Campus’s engineering building looked a little like the set from “Sanford and Son” collided [...]

Valencia Panel Discussion: How Can Our Community Help Foster Youth?

Orlando, FL – Across the nation, communities are beginning to recognize the challenges that foster children face as they “age [...]

Infant’s Near Drowning Spurred Father’s Career Choice

Manuel Rivera never imagined himself becoming a health-care provider. He planned to go into the military after graduating from high [...]

Valencia’s Graduation Set For May 8; Teen Mom is Distinguished Grad

Orlando, FL – On Sunday, May 8, more than 1,600 Valencia College students will receive their associate degrees when Valencia [...]